
Where Can I Find True Spec Golf Testimonials?

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At True Spec Golf, we take pride in the fact that our custom fitting process is regarded as the best in the industry. Our brand-agnostic approach is human centric, which means we take a holistic approach to the best club for you in all its components, then create a tailor-made, one-of-a-kind hybrid using state of the art technology. The result? A club that’s all yours.

However, we’re like you: we love to research. Before making any type of purchasing decision, we scour the Internet for reviews and testimonials. This is pretty easy when searching for big name brands — a bit harder when you know your club will likely include a shaft and club from different brands! And, of course, you want to make sure the fitting process works, that other customers have been pleased with the results, and that the experience as a whole was seamless. 

There are a number of testimonial sources for True Spec Golf on the Internet, and we’re happy to guide you there so you can make an informed decision about fitting with us. 

1. Blog Reviews

Many players in the golf community contribute their insights about every facet of golf: reviews of clubs, golf bags, courses, and any company that specializes in the club fitting process. Accordingly, there are a few blog posts out there from True Spec Golf customers that share honest testimonials about their experiences with us. 

For example, the Jack Golf Blog shared his detailed experience of fitting with us, down to the specific brands and specifications of each head and shaft he tried. He concludes by noting that the “value of places like True Spec Golf is their selection of equipment and the technology to help people find the best possible fit”. 

Companies feature blog reviews, too, as Golf Unfiltered did. In their post, their reviewer gave the details of the fitting process and shared the overall impression that “True Spec Golf was the best club fitting experience [they have] had to date”. 

To find other blog reviews, simply Google Search “True Spec Golf blog reviews”.

2. Feature articles

From time to time, articles featuring True Spec Golf are published, and the reporters share their own testimonials. One example is a joint article written for Golf Advisor by senior writers Tim Gavrich and Jason Scott Deegan. 

They speak truthfully about their experiences, Gavrich noting that the True Spec fitter he worked with “couldn’t be nicer or more knowledgeable”. He also shared that he learned something “fairly shocking” about the driver he had been using. He also talked about his experience with fitting for a new putter, including details about True Spec’s high speed camera and Evnroll ER5. 

3. Online Forums

If you’re looking for quick-bite testimonials from numerous sources all in one place, then online forums are a great place to look. GolfWRX started a forum on the True Spec experience in August 2017, which begins with a detailed review, and includes a long list of comments and questions, so you can gage a more collective view of customer testimonials. 

4. Facebook

Finally, the True Spec Facebook page is another place that houses reviews. Customers have tuned in to share their experiences, noting that it goes “above and beyond expectations” and that it was “fantastic, informative, instructional, fun, and valuable.” 

After you’ve perused testimonials, find a True Spec location near you.  

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