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How Custom Club Fitting Finds the Best Golf Brand for You

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It’s very typical for golfers to formulate certain affinities for various brands throughout their golfing careers. However, that loyalty could actually be holding them back from playing a better game. After all, how does a golfer know they are using the equipment best suited for them if they do not test other options? Luckily, there is a way golfers can try before they buy and find equipment that is guaranteed to leave them satisfied with their performance.

Golfers looking to improve their game can discover the latest equipment from top manufacturers during a custom club fitting with True Spec. Every customer is fit with a Brand-Agnostic approach, meaning True Spec works with every club brand, but has no allegiance or preference to any.

During a custom fitting at any True Spec’s location across the globe, a professional fitter collects data and measurements for a player’s swing to pinpoint the flex, weight, lie, shaft length, and loft necessary to optimize each strike. Those factors, as well as comfort level and feedback, are taken into account as a professional fitter makes their recommendation. True Spec stocks more than 30,000 combinations of club components to ensure each club is truly custom to the player.

Brand loyalty can take you far, but only if that manufacturer is best equipped to complement your playing style. You will not know what you are missing with other models if you do not give yourself the chance to test all that is out there.  Take it from the best players in the world, as every major champion winner in 2018 played a “Brand-Agnostic” set.

Using a combination of data-driven insights, expertise from professional fitters, and a wide array of brands to test, any golfer looking to take their game to the next level can explore new models from leading brands and many more during a custom club fitting. Golfers of all skill levels looking to ensure they are using the best equipment for their needs can discover the answer at any True Spec custom fitting location around the world.

If you are looking to up your performance during your next round of golf, a custom club fitting with True Spec is the quickest way to ensure you’re playing with the equipment designed to address and complement your specific needs. Find the True Spec location nearest you, and discover how a custom club fitting can help you bring your A Game every time you tee off.

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